




What do you love about Gaspésie?

At the beginning, it was a rocky start. I did not know anyone, couldn’t drive and had to build the yoga and dance community from scratch because there wasn’t anything offered here at that time.

In some ways, that was the magic of Gaspé: carte blanche to build something new.

Why did you choose Gaspésie?

I was looking for a place to start fresh, with lots of opportunities and nature. And now, I am the co founder and co director of the École de danse de Gaspé. I also have a small business where I do wellness coaching, aromatherapy consulting and I sell handmade upcycled jewelry. I basically love anything that allows me to be creative and share with people.

I have a life partner François who is a gaspesian through and through and we have a fur baby Darko. We live on stunning unceeded Mi’kmaq lland, and we are surrounded by trees and we have access to the river on our property.

Nature everywhere I look, and a pace of life that reflects my values.

Here is what I would say to someone considering settling in the region: Spend time here, immerse yourself in all the region has to offer. And even if you don’t end up staying, you will be better for the time you spent here. Gaspésie grabs hold of something in your spirit and doesn’t let go.

Few words to describe Gaspésie :
Ikigai (Japanese concept that refers to having a direction or purpose in life, providing a sense of fulfillment and meaning. It is derived from the words ‘Iki’ (“to live”) and ‘gai’ (“reason”). Ikigai is the highest level of desire and involves cultivating one’s inner potential or that which makes one’s life significant. Ikigai is similar to the French term “raison d’etre” or “reason for being”.
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